Passion Fruit – A Most Unusual and Beautiful Flower

On our first visit Puerto Rico, we enjoyed freshly squeezed Passion fruit juice. It was my first exposure, but my husband’s family grew these vines when they lived on the slopes on the Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. We decided we would grow it on the fence in the backyard. I bought a few varieties, mostly from the local stores so they did not come with tags.

Passion fruit is call Parcha in Puerto Rico. It is also known as Maracuya or Granadilla. The name, Passion Fruit, was apparently was given missionaries in Brazil as flor das cinco chagas or “flower of the five wounds” of Jesus’ crucifixion and other religious symbolism.

Within a year these vines took off! The flowers are amazingly beautiful and seem to last only one day. The fruit take several months to mature and are ready when they are crinkly. We seem to have 2 varieties – yellow and orange. Sometimes they are sweet enough to eat directly but most times a sweetener is needed.

Parcha mohitos are the bomb!

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